csc426: Open Source Software Engineering
Berea College
Day 9: Tuesday, September 24, 2023
Day 9: In class
- More build debugging. Please help others if your environment is building. If you are not focused on classwork, you will be counted as absent.
Day 9: Before next class
- Try to get your build fully working and a book to build and deploy. If you are having trouble, please ask for help on our Slack channel, not in the Runestone Discord channel.
Day 8: Thursday, September 19, 2023
Day 8: In class
Day 8: Before next class
Day 7: Thursday, September 14, 2023
Day 7: In class
Day 7: Before next class
Day 6: Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Day 6: In class
- Discuss Dr. Miller’s visit, Runestone, and Runestone communication
- Top Priority Complete the pull requests begun last time in T02: Forking and Git Branches
- After completing your pull request, spend the remainder of the period giving feedback to the next
three two Github Pages websites on the 2023 course listing of websites (ignoring mine), and also posting a thoughtful comment on one of each of their blog posts. This means that everyone in the class should receive feedback on their website from three two people as well as thougthful comments on their blog from three two people.
Day 6: Before next class
- Improve your Github Pages website based on feedback from classmates. (Can ypu also use AI to improve your website? Of course!)
- Respond to the comments received in your blog posts
Day 5: Thursday, September 7, 2023
In class
Before next class
Day 4: Tuesday, September 5, 2023
In class
- Discuss chapter reading assignment and WSL
- Debug the use of VS Code with WSL
- Show and tell with Github pages websites
Meet with Dr. Brad Miller
Before next class*
- Post your Github pages website if you have not already done so.
- Post to your blog based on these prompts.
Day 3: Thursday, August 31, 2023
In class
Before next class
Day 2: Tuesday, August 29, 2023
In class
Before next class:
Day 1: Thursday, August 24, 2023
In class
- Welcome
- Discussion of course: content, texts, tools, syllabus, flow, etc
- Updating laptop in parallel with presentions
- Who is Dr. Jan Presentation
- Open Source Textbook: Runestone Academy - sign up for bc_opensource_f23
- CSC 426 Day 1 Slides which has many linked videos related to the course
Before next class
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