Dr. Jan Pearce

courses, research, etc

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Create a new WordPress Blog

Create a new publicly accessible blog on a blogging platform such as WordPress. If you use WordPress, start by visiting wordpress.com and clicking Get Started. Note: Do not use a non-blogging platform like Google Docs.

Make sure that your blog is public, or else the TAs and I won’t be able to see your posts. It’s up to you whether you would like to use your real name or not. You’re free to blog under a pseudonym as long as we know what it is. Submit a link to your blog in Moodle.

You can be less formal in your blog posts than if you were writing a paper or report. However, your grade will take into account the level of critical reflection as well as the level of professionalism. In other words, errors in punctuation, formatting, spelling, and a professional tone still matter!