courses, research, etc
Read the following:
In this blog post, address each of the following bullets (1 or more paragraphs each), but be sure to write it as a blog, not as a list of answers to these questions:
After reading the values and principles, what was your impression of them? Do you think they would contribute to productivity in smaller or bigger companies? Why?
In terms of the principles, how logical is it to apply them to a real-life, full-functioning company? What issues do you see arising?
In terms of the values, what other values can you think of that could contribute to the productivity goal of the Agile Manifesto?
Now that you have a better understanding of Agile software engineering, how can you apply this to our class? What about your other classes, if possible?
How would using this manifesto improve your work? Do you think it wouldn’t help? If not, please elaborate.
Next find one or more articles that serve to further address what you found interesting or confusing in these articles.
Write at least one more paragraph that discussed what you learned from this additional source. Link these references in your blog AND add a references section at the bottom of your post with formal APA style citations for each.
The best blog entries will be honest, thoughtful, and critically reflective. Here are some blog examples of the differences between reporting, reflection, and critical reflection.